Microsoft Cloud Workshops

Azure Stack Migrate

Before the hands-on lab setup guide

July 2020

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Azure Stack Migrate before the hands-on lab setup guide


Before the hands-on lab

Duration: 7 hours

Task 1: Provision an Azure VM to Host the Azure Stack Hub Development Kit

In this task, you will provision an Azure VM that will host the Azure Stack Development Kit deployment.

Execute the following PowerShell code. When prompted for Azure credentials, you will need to authenticate with an Azure Account that has Global Administrator access on the Azure AD Tenant as well as Owner rights on the Azure subscription.

There will be a second prompt for the local administrator account. Specify demo@pass123 when prompted.

Note: Ensure the Azure Subscription has enough cores available on the quota to deploy a VM sized: Standard E20s v3.


$region = 'East US 2'
$rg = '<Resource Group Name>'
$saName = "asdk" + (Get-Random)
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $rg -Location $region
$sa = New-AzStorageAccount -Location $region -ResourceGroupName $rg -SkuName Standard_LRS -Name $saName

$sourceUri = ""
New-AzStorageContainer -Name vhd -Context $sa.context
Start-AzStorageBlobCopy -AbsoluteUri $sourceUri -DestContainer "vhd" -DestContext $sa.context -DestBlob "cloudbuilder.vhd" -ConcurrentTaskCount 100
do {
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
    $result = Get-AzStorageAccount -Name $sa.StorageAccountName -ResourceGroupName $rg | Get-AzStorageBlob -Container "vhd" | Get-AzStorageBlobCopyState
    $remaining = [Math]::Round(($result.TotalBytes - $result.BytesCopied) / 1gb,2)
    Write-Verbose -Message "Waiting copy to finish remaining $remaining GB" -Verbose 
} until ($result.Status -eq "success") 

$templateParameterObject = @{
    dataDiskCount = 6
    osDiskVhdUri = $sa.PrimaryEndpoints.Blob + "vhd/cloudbuilder.vhd"
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $rg -Name AzureStackonAzureVM -TemplateUri "" -TemplateParameterObject $templateParameterObject

After the VM is deployed, login using administrator as the account and demo@pass123 for the password.

Task 2: Install Azure Stack Hub Development Kit (Operations)

In this task you will execute a script that will download and provision Azure Stack Hub Development Kit on the newly deployed Azure VM.

  1. Within the Remote Desktop session to AzSHOST-1, right-click Start and then select Command Prompt (Admin).

  2. Within the Remote Desktop session to AzSHOST-1, start Windows PowerShell as administrator.

  3. From the Administrator: Windows PowerShell window, set values of the variables that will be used by the installation script by running the following (ensure you replace the placeholder values, where [azure-admin-upn] and [azure-admin-password] designate the user name and password of the account with the Owner role in the Azure subscription you are using in this lab and the Global Administrator role in the Azure AD tenant associated with that subscription):

    Set-Location -Path 'C:\AzureStackOnAzureVM'
    $localAdminPass = ConvertTo-SecureString 'demo@pass123' -AsPlainText -Force
    $azpass = ConvertTo-SecureString '[azure-admin-password]' -AsPlainText -Force
    $azcred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ('[azure-admin-upn]', $azpass)
  4. From the Administrator: Windows PowerShell window, invoke the installation of Azure Stack Hub Development Kit by running the following (ensure you replace the placeholder values, where [tenant] is the name of the Azure AD tenant associated with the Azure subscription you are using in this lab):

    .\Install-ASDK.ps1 -DownloadASDK -DeploymentType AAD -LocalAdminPass $localAdminPass -AADTenant [tenant] -version '2002-35' -InfraAzureDirectoryTenantAdminCredential $azcred

    Note: After about 75 minutes, the Azure VM will automatically restart.

  5. Once the Azure VM restarts and the Remote Desktop session is terminated, sign-in back to AzSHOST-1 via Remote Desktop using the following credentials:

    Note: The installation might take between 6-8 hours. Monitor the PowerShell session where the script is running to determine when it completes.

Task 3: Prepare the Azure Stack Hub Operator Station

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate to the blade of AzS-HOST1 virtual machine.

  2. From the AzS-HOST1 blade, connect via RDP to AzS-HOST1 Windows host. When prompted, authenticate by using the following credentials:

  3. Select Start and, in the Start menu, select Control Panel.

  4. In the Control Panel window, select View by, in the drop-down menu, select Small icons, and select User Accounts.

  5. Select Change User Account Control settings.

  6. When prompted, in the User Account Control dialog box, select Yes.

  7. In the User Account Control Settings, move the slider down to the Never notify position, select OK, and, when prompted again, in the User Account Control dialog box, select Yes.

  8. Start Internet Explorer and install another web browser (Chrome or Firefox).

  9. From Internet Explorer, browse to, and from the Visual Studio Code page, install the latest stable version of Visual Studio Code.

    Note: Except VSCode, most of the next steps should be already configured on your VM - please check that the tools are there and you are able to configure them. VSCode is optional - you can perform all of the activities in the labs using just PowerShell, but you may want to explore the VSCode user interface, because it enhances interacting with Azure Stack Hub using PowerShell and ARM templates.

  10. Right-click Start, then select Command Prompt (Admin) in the right-hand menu.

  11. From the Administrator: Command Prompt, install appropriate VSCode extensions by running the following:

    code --install-extension msazurermtools.azurerm-vscode-tools
    code --install-extension ms-vscode.powershell
    code --install-extension ms-azuretools.vscode-azurestorage

Task 4: Download and run the Azure Stack Hub Configurator Script

In this task you will execute a script that will configure install and configure Azure Stack Hub with PowerShell modules and tools as well as SQL, App Service, and MySQL Resource Providers.

  1. From within the AzSHost-1 virtual machine launch a Windows PowerShell console as Administrator.

  2. From the Administrator: Windows PowerShell window, create a folder named C:\AzSPoc and set it as the current directory by running the following:

    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path 'C:\AzSPoC'
    Set-Location 'C:\AzSPoC'
  3. From the Administrator: Windows PowerShell window, download the Azure Stack Hub Configuration script by running:

    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    Invoke-Webrequest -UseBasicParsing -OutFile AzSPoC.ps1
  4. From the Administrator: Windows PowerShell window, download the Windows 2019 Evaluation ISO for the Azure Stack Hub VMs by running the following:

    $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
    wget -UseBasicParsing -OutFile D:\WS2019EVALISO.iso
  5. From the Administrator: Windows PowerShell window, download the Windows 2016 Evaluation ISO for the Azure Stack Hub VMs by running the following:

    wget -UseBasicParsing -OutFile D:\WS2016EVALISO.iso
  6. From the Administrator: Windows PowerShell window, create a folder named D:\ASDKfiles by running the following:

    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path 'D:\ASDKfiles'
  7. From the Administrator: Windows PowerShell window, execute the script to configure the Azure SDK (ensure you replace the placeholder values, where [azure-admin-upn] and [azure-admin-password] designate the user name and password of the account with the Owner role in the Azure subscription you are using in this lab and the Global Administrator role in the Azure AD tenant associated with that subscription, [tenant] is the name of the Azure AD tenant associated with the Azure subscription you are using in this lab, and [subscription-id] is the identifier of that subscription):

    .\AzSPoC.ps1 -azureDirectoryTenantName '[tenant]' -authenticationType AzureAD `
        -downloadPath "D:\ASDKfiles" -ISOPath "D:\WS2016EVALISO.iso" -ISOPath2019 "D:\WS2019EVALISO.iso" -asdkHostPwd 'demo@pass123' `
        -VMpwd 'demo@pass123' -azureAdUsername '[azure-admin-upn]' -azureAdPwd '[azure-admin-password]' `
        -registerAzS -useAzureCredsForRegistration -azureRegSubId '[subscription-id]' -branch "master"

    Note: This step will take an additional 4 to 5 hours.

    Note: If any of the jobs fail, wait for the entire script to complete and run the script again.

You should complete these instructions before attending the workshop.